


The Inner Healer System offers courses to individuals of all levels of experience, from self-help seekers looking to take the course for personal growth and development to professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge and become certified practitioners.

The Inner Healer System Courses

Basic Level Self-Help Course

Our Basic Level Self-Help Course is designed for those who wish to learn the foundations of the method and gain a better understanding of how to work with one's inner healing and development.

Professional Level

For those looking for further insight, our Professional Level Course provides the necessary tools and resources to become a certified practitioner.

Expert Level

Finally, our Expert Level Course is for those professionals looking to hone their existing knowledge and gain additional insights into the method.

Benefits of the Inner Healer System® 
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Naturopath, Homeopath,

The Inner Healer System

©enyifeanyi 2022

Healing, Help, Training, Personal Development 

Enyinna Ifeanyi

+34 678 136 288